
Rio Medical Consent for Treatment and Policies

Welcome! The providers and staff here at Rio Medical are honored to be a part of your journey to achieve better health. This consent outlines our practice, policies, and your consent to care. Please read each section carefully and sign where indicated.

I hereby give my consent for Rio Medical henceforth referred to as “the practice”) to treat me using services listed below I understand and I am informed that, as with all healthcare treatments, results are not guaranteed and there is no promise of cure.
I have had the opportunity to discuss with my provider the nature and purpose of treatments and procedures. I am aware that all existing methods of diagnosis and treatment pose some level of risk.

I do not expect the provider to be able to anticipate and explain all risks and complications, and I wish to rely on the provider to exercise judgment during the course of the treatment which the provider feels at the time, based upon the facts then known, is in my best interests.

I will immediately inform the provider if I experience any gastrointestinal upset (nausea, gas, stomachache, vomiting or similar condition), allergic reactions (hives, rashes, tingling of the tongue, headache or similar condition), or any unanticipated or unpleasant effects associated with treatment or supplements prescribed/recommended. I understand that if an emergency medical condition arises, I am expected to call 9-1-1.

NO GUARANTEE: Although we have a high success rate, every individual responds to care differently and no guarantee is made as to the results of care in any specific case, as care may not improve your condition or result in reducing medications. Many of our protocols include lifestyle changes and patient compliance, which is not under our control. We can, however, speak of our experience with the treatment protocols that we use in our office and the high level of success that we see in using these protocols.

SERVICES: Our providers may have recommended modalities to be performed. Our providers have calculated the amount of visits necessary to help correct your condition. If a treatment is missed, we suggest that you make up the appointment so that you do not fall off schedule. If you are given home therapy products, they will need to be used in addition to treatment, as per the provider’s recommendation. Following the protocols the way they are recommended by our provider increases the level of success with your treatment.

Services include but are not limited to the following:

  • IV Nutritional Therapy
  • IM/SC injections
  • Trigger Point Injections
  • Joint Injections
  • PRP Injections
  • Aesthetic Procedures
  • Medical Procedures
  • Consultations
  • Hormone treatment
  • Pellet Insertion
  • Weight Management
  • Prescription management
  • Any and all procedures offered by Rio Regenerative Medicine, LLC dba Rio Medical

Nutritional Health: The providers at our office view health as a continuum from optimal health to hidden imbalances to disease. Rather than treating disease (e.g., cancer, hypothyroid, diabetes, etc.), we address underlying metabolic and functional imbalances at their root cause. One effect may be the ability to reduce or eliminate the need for medications. We encourage you to communicate with your primary health care provider before reducing or discontinuing any medications, as well as all care that you receive at this office. Alternatives to functional medicine include doing nothing, relying solely on drug therapy, or consulting with other providers.

Medications, weight loss peptides, hormones, and IV supplements: When prescribing medications our providers may use these for off-label use. This means that we are using it outside the bounds of the pharmaceutical and FDA recommendations. This decision is made by our providers after spending time with you as an individual to figure out what may work best for you and weighing the benefits versus risk of the medication or supplement. This will be discussed with you at the time of your visit, and you as a patient, and by signing this consent, you understand that there is risk going outside of pharmaceutical recommendations and you will continue the medication at your own risk while being carefully monitored by our providers. This is especially true when dealing with weight loss medications as the dose may need to be increased more rapidly for your ultimate benefit or may be used with a lower BMI than recommended by the pharmaceutical company.

Lab Tests:
I understand that Amy Potter, FNP-BC (henceforth referred to as “the practitioner”) / the practice may recommend blood, saliva, stool, urine, hair, or skin testing within their scope of practice. In addition to conventional testing, specific tests may be ordered through specialized laboratories to assess structural and/or functional deficiencies, and may not always be diagnostic, but can provide critical information to help improve my health outcomes. I agree with the use of such tests and will always have the opportunity to discuss their applicability and limitations with my provider, prior to sample collection. I agree to pay the laboratory any fees due for sample collection and processing.

Regenerative Medicine: Platelet rich plasma (PRP) and human umbilical tissue allograft (HUCTA) injections will initially cause inflammation that triggers the healing to begin. This could mean that you feel more soreness and pain initially. PRP and HUCTA treatments peak at around three months and continue to work for over a year in most people. Once an injury is healed, it may not stay healed depending on lifestyle, more damage done or another injury.

Many supplements, vitamins, medical grade foods, nutritional powders, botanicals, and homeopathic remedies have not been evaluated by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. NO REFUNDS, CREDITS, OR EXCHANGES are allowed on any supplement(s), herbs, homeopathic remedy/remedies, vitamins, and nutritional supplements. Once these items have been purchased or left the office, they cannot be brought back under any circumstance.
All services and supplementation must be PAID IN FULL at the time of service. A remaining balance is not allowed.

  • Supplements will not be held, picked up or shipped without prior payment.
  • Special orders need to be paid for at the time of order. Once paid for, there will be no credits, refunds, exchanges, or modifications allowed.

Supplements may be bought directly from our trusted online dispensary (FullScript) or you can choose to purchase them at a dispensary of your choice. The cost of supplements is not included in the visit fee.

Please inform the practitioner if you are vegetarian and require vegetarian supplementation. Remember, there are NO refunds, exchanges or credits given. All sales are FINAL.

Telehealth consent:
I consent to voluntarily engaging in a telemedicine consultation with the practice. I understand that the video conferencing technology will not be the same as a direct patient/health care provider visit:Telehealth consultation has potential benefits, including easier access to care, decreasing costs, and allowing visits to be performed from the comfort of my home. It also has potential risks including interruptions, unauthorized access, and technical difficulties.

I understand that my health care provider or I can discontinue the telehealth consult/visit if it is felt that the videoconferencing connections are not adequate for the situation.

If there is another individual present during the telehealth consultation, I will be informed of their presence and I will also disclose if there is another individual with myself. It is agreed that these individuals will maintain confidentiality of the information obtained. I further understand that I will be informed of their presence in the consultation and thus will have the right to request the following: (1) omit specific details of my medical history/physical examination that are personally sensitive to me; (2) ask non-medical personnel to leave the telemedicine examination room: and or (3) terminate the consultation at any time.

I understand that telemedicine has limitations in regard to the physical examination. I understand that the physical exam portion of the care provided through the practice will be limited to inspection via video conferencing and some parts of the exam such as physical tests, examination of certain body parts, and vital signs may be conducted by individuals at my location at the direction of the consulting health care provider or not done at all.

Telemedicine services offered through the practice are not an Emergency Service and in the event of an emergency or urgent medical issue, I will use a phone to call 911, go to the emergency department, or go to an urgentcare.

To maintain my privacy, I will not share telemedicine login information or video conferencing links with anyone unauthorized to attend the appointment.

Telephone Consultation Consent:
I understand that the practitioner / the practice may, on rare occasions, allow telephone consultations – verbal conversation only / no video. I understand that these consultations have considerable limitations, including but not limited to no physical exam or visual assessment. I understand that my provider, during the telephone consultation, may determine that adequate care and treatment will not be possible with the limited assessment via telephone consultation. I agree to follow through with them on any required in-person office visits or video telehealth visits. I consent to receive instructions via phone/telemedicine platform and take full responsibility to follow through with specific instructions as required for my treatment. I have had the opportunity to discuss the limitations with my provider.

Email Consent:
The preferred method of communication is via HIPPA-compliant Patient Portal. However, the practitioner / the practice provides patients with the opportunity to communicate by e-mail. Transmitting confidential health information by e-mail, however, has a number of risks: E-mail can be immediately broadcast worldwide and be received by many intended and unintended recipients; recipients can forward e-mail messages to other recipients without the original sender(s) permission or knowledge; users can easily copy information.

It is the policy of the practitioner / practice that all e-mail messages sent or received which concern the diagnosis or treatment of a patient will be a part of the patient’s protected personal health information. The practice cannot guarantee the security and confidentiality of e-mail or internet communication.

Patients may consent to the use of e-mail for confidential medical information after having been informed of the above risks with the following conditions: All e-mails to or from patients concerning diagnosis and/or treatment will be made part of the protected personal health information. As a part of the protected personal health information, other individuals, insurance coordinators and, upon written authorization, other healthcare providers and insurers will have access to e-mail messages contained in protected personal health information.

The practitioner / practice will endeavor to read e-mail promptly. However, the practice can provide no assurance that the e-mail will be read immediately. Therefore, e-mail must never be used in a medical emergency.

Because some medical information is so sensitive that unauthorized disclosure can be damaging, e-mail should not be used for communications concerning diagnosis or treatment of any sexually transmittable or communicable diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and the like; behavioral health, mental health; or alcohol and drug abuse.

The practitioner / practice cannot guarantee that electronic communications will be private. The practitioner / practice is not liable for improper disclosure of confidential information not caused by its employee’s gross negligence or wanton misconduct and is not liable for breaches of confidentiality caused by the patient.

I understand that my consent to the use of e-mail may be withdrawn at any time, whether it be by e-mail or written communication to the practitioner / practice. I have read this form carefully and understand the risks and responsibility associated with the use of e-mail. I agree to assume all risks associated with the use of e-mail.

Appointment Reminders Consent:
The practitioner / practice may need to use my name, address, phone number, and my clinical records to contact me with appointment reminders/text message, information about treatment alternatives or other health related information that may be of interest to me. If this contact is made by phone and I am not available, a message will be left on my answering machine or with the person answering the phone.

By signing this form, I am giving the practice the authorization to contact me with these reminders and information and to leave a message on my answering machine or with individuals at my home or place of employment.

Release of Information:
I may restrict the individuals or organizations to which your health care information is released or I may revoke your authorization at any time: however, this revocation must be in writing and mailed to the office address. The practice will not be able to honor my revocation request if they have already released my health information before the request to revoke authorization. In addition, if I was required to give my authorization as a condition of obtaining insurance, the insurance company may have a right to your health information if they decide to contest any of your claims.

PAYMENTS, INSURANCE, Cancelations, AND REFUNDS: Payment for services is not conditional on your response to treatment. We accept cash, check, and debit/credit cards and expect this at the time of service unless other arrangements are made.  We do not accept insurance. However, we will provide an invoice as requested for you to submit to your insurance. Most of our services are not covered by insurance, and you should not expect reimbursement. There will be no refunds given under any circumstances. There may be a booking charge associated with my appointment.


This office requires 48-hour notice if you are unable to keep your new patient or initial visit and 48-hour notice if you cannot keep your follow-up or routine visit. If you miss an appointment or fail to give sufficient notice, you will be charged $50.00 for that missed appointment. This payment is expected before any further treatment is provided, or supplements can be purchased.

DISCOUNTS – The practice offers discounts of 10% to all patients over 65 years of age, persons who work in the medical field, teachers, veterans, military personnel, and  people who qualify as “low income”. This discount applies only to visit fees. This discount does not apply to the purchase of supplements.

PHONE CALLS – Phone calls requiring 10 minutes or more of the provider’s time will be charged as a minimum visit ($40/15 minutes).

RETURNED CHECK – There is a $20.00 fee for any check returned by the bank.

PAST DUE ACCOUNTS – If your account becomes past due, we will take necessary steps to collect this debt. At the time of your initial office visit, a copy of your credit card will be taken. If your account becomes past due over 60 days, that credit card will be charged and a 10% late fee will be applied.. If the credit card declines or there are any other problems, your account will be referred to our collection agency. You will be charged for this service in addition to your current account balance. If payment is not received, your credit report will be blemished. If we have to refer the collection of the balance to a lawyer, you agree to pay all of the lawyer’s fees which we incur, plus all court costs.

COPIES – The cost for copies of lab work, chart notes, imaging, and invoices will be 50 cents per page, EXCEPT if requested at the time of the visit. Lab work, chart notes, imaging, and invoices pertinent to the visit will be provided free of charge on the day of the visit. Most documents will also be available for you on the patient portal.

SPECIAL LETTERS, FORMS, and DOCUMENTS – Completing special insurance forms, workplace documentation, writing letters of medical necessity, etc. require significant provider time and will be charged an administrative fee of $25 per document/letter. Fees must be paid in advance. Some documentation may require extensive time / complexity and may justify a higher fee. If so, this fee will be disclosed to you prior to preparing the documents.


I authorize the practice to maintain my credit card number in the electronic health record and to use it to process payment for services rendered or supplements or other items purchased by me.

I authorize the practice to process the credit card on file for any balance due on my account past 30 day and for any payments authorized by me.

I understand that a receipt superbill and receipt showing what was paid for will be sent to me within 30 days of each visit. I know that I am responsible for letting the clinic know if anything has changed concerning my credit card information.



We are required by law to give you this notice. It provides you with how we may use and disclose protected health information about you and describes your rights and our obligations regarding the use and disclosure of that information. We shall maintain the privacy of protected health information and provide you with notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to your protected health information.

We have the right to change these policies at any time. If we change our privacy policies, we will notify you of these changes immediately. This current policy is in effect unless stated otherwise. If the policy is changed, it will apply to all your current and past health information.

You may request a copy of our notice any time. You may contact the practice at 970-403-6675 or amy@rio-medical.org at any time to request a copy of this privacy policy.

The following examples describe ways that we may use your protected health information for your treatment, payments, healthcare operations etc. but please be advised that not every use or disclosure in a particular category will be listed.

  • Treatment: We may use and disclose your protected health information to provide you treatment. This includes disclosing your protected health information to other medical providers, trainees, therapists, medical staff, and office staff that are involved in your health care. For example, your medical provider might need to consult with another provider to coordinate your care. Also, the office staff may need to use and disclose your protected health information to other individuals outside of our office such as the pharmacy when a prescription is called in.
  • Payment: Your protected health information may also be used to facilitate payment  or reimbursement to you from an insurance company or another third part. This may include providing an insurance company your protected health information for a pre-authorization for a medication we prescribed.
  • Health Care Operations: We may use or disclose your protected health information in order to operate this medical practice. These activities include training students, reviewing cases with employees, utilizing your information to improve the quality of care, and contacting you be telephone, email, or text to remind you of your appointments. If we have to share your protected health information to third party “business associates” such as a billing service, if so, we will have a written contract that contains terms that will protect the privacy of your protected health information.
    We may also use and disclose your protected health information for marketing activities. For example, we might send you a thank you card in the mail with a coupon for specialized services or products. We may also send you information about products or services that might be of interest to you. You can contact us at any point to stop receiving this information.
    We will not use or disclose your protected health information for any purpose other than those identified in this policy without your specific, written Authorization. You may give us written authorization to use your protected health information or to disclose it to anyone for any purpose. You can revoke this authorization at any time but will not affect the protected health information that was shared while the authorization was in effect.
  • Appointment reminders: We may contact you as a reminder that you have an appointment for your initial visit, follow up visit, or lab work via text, phone or email.
  • Others Involved in Your Health Care: We may disclose protected health information about you to your family members or friends if we obtain your verbal agreement to do so, or if we give you an opportunity to object to such a disclosure and you do not raise an objection. For example, we may assume that if your spouse or friend is present during your evaluation, that we can disclose protected professional information to this person. If you are unable to agree or object to such a disclosure, we may disclose such information as necessary if we determine that it is in your best interest based on our professional judgment if there is an urgent or emergent need.
  • Research: We will not use or disclose your health information for research purposes unless you give us authorization to do so.
  • Organ Donation: If you are an organ donor, we may release protected health information to organizations that handle organ procurement or organ, eye or tissue transplantation if it is necessary to facilitate this process.
  • Public Health Risks: We may disclose your protected health information, if necessary, in order to prevent or control disease, report adverse events from medications or products, prevent injury, disability or death. This information may be disclosed to healthcare systems, government agencies, or public health authorities. We may have to disclose your protected health information to the Food and Drug Administration to report adverse events, defects, problems, enable recalls etc. if required by FDA regulation.
  • Health Oversight Activities: We may disclose protected health information to health oversight agencies for audits, investigations, inspections or licensing purposes. These disclosures might be necessary for state and federal agencies to monitor healthcare systems and compliance with civil law.
  • Required by Law: We will disclose protected health information about you when required to do so by federal, state and/or local law.
  • Workman’s compensation: We may disclose your protected health information to workman’s comp or similar programs.
  • Lawsuits: We may disclose your protected health information in response to a court action, administrative action or a subpoena.
  • Law Enforcement: We may release protected health information to a law enforcement official in response to a court order, subpoena, warrant, subject to all applicable legal requirements.



  • Access to medical records: You have the right to access and receive copies of your protected health information that we use to make decisions about your care. You must submit a written request to obtain your protected health information to the individual listed at the end of this privacy policy. We reserve the right to charge you a fee for the time it takes to obtain and copy the protected health information and provide it to you.
  • Amendment: If you believe the protected health information we have about you is incorrect or incomplete, you may ask us to amend the information. You will need to submit a written request as to why you feel the health information should be amended. We may deny your request to amend if you did not send a written request or give a reason why it should be amended. If we deny your request, we will provide you with a written explanation. We may deny your request if we believe the protected health information is accurate and complete.
  • Accounting of Disclosures: You have the right to receive a list of instances in which we disclosed your personal health information unless the disclosure was used for treatment, payment, healthcare operations, was pursuant to a valid authorization and as otherwise provided in applicable federal and state laws and regulations. You must submit a written request to obtain this “accounting of disclosures” from the individual listed at the bottom of this policy. After your request has been approved, we will provide you with the dates of the disclosure, the name of the individual or entity we disclosed the information to, a description of the information that was disclosed, the reason why it was disclosed, and any additional pertinent information.  This information may not be longer than (STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS) years ago prior to the date the accounting is requested. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for this process.
  • Restriction Requests: You have the right to request a restriction or limitation on the protected health information we use or disclose about you for treatment, payment, or healthcare operations. We shall accommodate your request except where the disclosure is required by law. We require this be a written request submitted to the individual at the end of this policy.
  • Confidential Communication: You have the right to request that we communicate with you about healthcare matters in a certain way and at a certain location.  We must accommodate your request if it is reasonable and allows us to continue to collect payments and bill you.
  • Paper copy of this notice: You may request a hard copy of this practice policy if you reviewed and signed it via electronic means. To obtain this copy, contact the individual at the end of this privacy policy.
  • Complaints: If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with our office. You also file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. We will provide you with the address to file your complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services upon request.
    Name of Contact Person:
    Amy Potter, FNP-BC
    Rio Medical
    Durango, CO
  • 970-409-6675


We are committed to serving you with compassion, care, and respect. As one of our valued clients, you are entitled to the following:

You have the right:

  • To be treated with respect and dignity.
  • To know the name and professional status of the person(s) serving you.
  • To privacy and confidentiality.
  • To receive accurate information about your health-related concerns.
  • To know the effectiveness and potential side-effects of all forms of treatment.
  • To participate in choosing the form of treatment best suited to your skin.
  • To receive education and counseling about treatment.
  • To review your medical record with your clinician.
  • To amend your records.
  • To receive any information about potential services or related services

You have the responsibility:

  • To seek medical attention promptly, and to provide useful feedback.
  • To be honest about your medical and social history.
  • To be honest about your lifestyle risks and exposures.
  • To ask questions about anything you do not understand.
  • To follow health advice and instructions.
  • To report any significant changes in your health.
  • To respect clinic policies.
  • To show up for appointments or cancel 48 hours in advance.

By signing this form, I certify:

Any type of healthcare is associated with risks and benefits. Please read the following:

  1. I have been advised that there is a favorable likelihood of success, but I understand that a completely successful outcome may not be achievable, and there are no guarantees regarding the outcome. I also understand that certain adverse events could occur as a result of the performance of the procedure or treatment, including burning and stinging at the site of infusion or if IV infiltrates into surrounding tissue, muscular spasms, weakness, fatigue, allergic reactions, local thrombophlebitis, and possible consequences thereof. I understand that care by health professionals may be needed following the procedure or treatment, related to full recovery. I understand the alternatives to this procedure including my right to refuse, to consent to, and despite my knowledge consent to treatment.
  2. I understand that benefits of Rio Medical Treatments are much greater if I follow a healthy lifestyle (non-smoking, weight control, proper exercise, proper diet, and nutritional supplementation). I understand that an initial series of treatments are anticipated and that these treatments may extend over a number of weeks or months. understand that it is my option to stop at any time with this treatment protocol.
  3. I understand that this therapy should not be used if I am pregnant unless I have severe life-threatening disease and I am cleared by my obstetrician for treatment. I understand the nature of the proposed procedure and the risks and dangers have been explained to me to my full satisfaction.
  4. I acknowledge that I have had the opportunity to ask any questions of my provider with respect to my proposed therapy and the procedures to be utilized and all my questions have been answered to my full satisfaction.
  5. My signature on this agreement will constitute a full and final release of any legal responsibility resulting from the treatment in my case and/or any other medical treatments that may be necessary as a result thereof.
  6. I also verify that all information presented to the medical provider in my medical history is true to the best of my knowledge and that I am not misrepresenting myself.
  7.  I acknowledge that I understand that my insurance coverage, including Medicare may not pay for this non-covered service and that all services ancillary to this treatment may also be non-covered services and non-reimbursable. I agree to be responsible for payment at the time of service for all services, including non-covered services. I understand that Rio Medical is not responsible for billing insurance and reimbursement is between my insurance company and myself, and services are not likely to be reimbursed.
  8. This consent shall be valid for the duration of treatment with Rio Medical or until directly revoked by myself.

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